Edge Sealants

Ply-Edge 235Back to product index

High performance wood sealer specifically formulated for use on edges and non-working surfaces of concrete form panels.

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Additional Details

PLY-EDGE 235 prevents the absorption of highly alkaline concrete bleed water into the edges and non-working surfaces of plywood, oriented strand board (OSB), laminated veneer lumber (LVL) and laminated strand lumber (LSL) concrete form boards by penetrating the edges / surfaces and sealing off the wood fibers with an extremely durable, yet pliable, film which expands and contracts with the substrate.


• Use in sealing edges and non-working surfaces of all types of wood form boards including: plywood, OSB, LVL and LSL to be used in concrete forming applications.
• Use to seal all field-cut board edges and snap-tie holes.
• Use on non-working faces of all concrete form boards.
• For reapplication over poor-performing mill applied edge sealer.
• Essential for use on all manufactured wood form boards to be used in the production of architectural concrete.

Advantages of this Edge Sealer with Form Release Agent

• Completely resistant to the higher alkalinity of many modern concrete mix designs.
• Greatly reduces alkaline water absorption through form board surfaces and edges.
• By minimizing water absorption into form board surfaces / edges, wood sugar and tannin migration is simultaneously minimized, reducing concrete color variations, staining and concrete surface dusting.
• Greatly reduces moisture entry through back-side of form boards and thus minimizes warping, cupping and swelling.
• Significantly reduces board edge swelling that results in elevation variations from board to board that are commonly seen in gang forming applications. Panel elevation variations yield unsightly concrete surface elevation variations that are often unacceptable to owners and are costly to repair.
• Board life is greatly increased. This is especially true with high performance boards where failure
almost always originates at the edges.
• Provides excellent resistance to ultra-violet radiation from the sun.
• Exceptional resistance to commonly used form oils and form release agents.
• DOT classified as non-flammable and noncombustible and is considered safe to apply under
most manufacturing or field conditions.
• Green Engineered™ – better for health and the environment.
• Meets all federal and state VOC requirements

Resource Downloads

Product Data Sheet
English PDS - Ply-Edge 235

Safety Data Sheets
English SDS - Ply-Edge 235    
French SDS - Ply-Edge 235